Imagine yourself as an analyst or strategic consultant preparing a justification for the management of the Centras group regarding the launch of a new business. You need to choose one of the proposed areas: poultry farm, tourism, smart entertainment center, or propose your own idea.
Essay Structure (1 page):
Chosen Direction and Its Justification:
Explain why the chosen direction is promising and relevant to the market.
Market Opportunities:
Describe the existing demand for the proposed product or service, and analyze the main competitors and their positions in the market.
Implementation of the Centras Project:
Identify the resources needed for launching the business and possible partnerships that can support the project.
Financial Potential and Risks:
Evaluate the financial prospects, including potential revenues and costs, and identify possible barriers and risks the project might face.
Summarize and explain why Centras should invest in this business and what advantages it will bring to the company.
Evaluation Criteria:
✅ Analytical and well-reasoned arguments.
✅ Structure and logical sequence of the presentation.
✅ Creativity and original approach to problem-solving.
✅ Realism of the proposed idea and its viability.